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Event space-booking platform Tutti has successfully secured £300,000 in a crowdfunding raise that surpassed its initial target of £240,000.

London-based Tutti, which offers event space owners a digital platform to manage bookings from creatives, secured the funds on the crowd investment platform Seedrs.

The company was founded in 2018 by its CEO, Gabriel Isserlis, who previously worked across creative industries. Isserlis created Tutti after noticing a lack of singular hubs for venue bookings.

“I could see first-hand the struggles that hosts were having with their own booking system – it was time-consuming, mistakes were made, and hosts were spending hours managing the process instead of doing what they do best – handling the human aspect of their business,” Isserlis said.

“Our powerful software enables booking management to be done in minutes, with effortless enquiries, negotiation and simple, secure online payments.”

Isserlis added: “Ultimately, Tutti provides… a quick and transparent solution to owners, so they can continue to focus on what they do best: creating great spaces for creativity to continue to flourish.”

Tutti claims there are more than 4,000 creatives that use the platform, and 1,500 listings on it to date.

The company will put the new funds towards expanding the business beyond event venue booking in London to the rest of the country. The success of the crowdfunding round has landed the startup with a pre-money valuation of £1.5m.
