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Feedr, the London-based app for workplace food ordering, has been acquired by Berlin-headquartered competitor EatFirst for an undisclosed sum.

Founded in 2016, Feedr has raised £2.2m through a combination of crowdfunding and venture capital investment. The app was designed for offices to order lunch directly to work from local food vendors.

Feedr was acquired by a British food service company called Compass Group in 2020 for around $24m (£19.8m) as it looked to ramp up its tech capabilities. While ownership of the app will change hands to the German firm EatFirst, Feedr will maintain an exclusive partnership with Compass.

The deal also included a stake in EatFirst being secured by Compass, which will grant the UK company further opportunities to expand into Europe.

“We are thrilled to have acquired Feedr. We have always admired the company for the delight they create at their customers’ offices and its strong technological foundations,” said EatFirst founder Adrian Frenzel.

“We are looking forward to offering our joint UK customer base an even larger and more refined service. In addition, we will expand Feedr’s offer to our European markets, where we see great potential for growth. It’s also been great to further strengthen our relationship with Compass.”

Founded in 2018, EatFirst, like Feedr, is a platform for workspaces to order food. It currently operates in the European and Australian markets.
